Collectible fishing equipment really “turns my crank”, as they say. I am a collector myself and have been at it for over 35 years.
I love buying and/or trading quality older fly or conventional fishing equipment and lures. I would love to help you dispose of anything you no longer want or help you find what you are looking for to add to or start a collection.
The beauty of collectible fly fishing equipment is that people still want to fish with it. Be it an old bamboo or fiberglass fly rod partnered with a vintage fly reel like a Hardy Perfect or a Pflueger Medalist or even a modern reel, people still enjoy fishing them.
We will be listing quality bamboo rods and vintage fly reels and other collectibles regularly. Please check this website continually and maybe you will see that fly rod you have been looking for or that reel to fill in that missing spot in your collection.
Remember, old tackle boxes with fishing plugs that were your dads or grandfathers could contain hidden treasures along with those old rods and reels. Bring ‘em in and ask for Steve, he’ll let you know how much he is willing to pay you or trade for or take advantage of our Gear-Up Program (see details) and get the new gear you want.
For Collectibles Inquiries: Contact Steve
Fishermen’s Spot
14411 Burbank Boulevard
CA 91401-4824
(818) 785-7306
(877) 785-7306 toll free